News - Press Release


News | February 23 2018

Å®ÓÅÖ±²¥ wins the Gold Class and Industry Mover designation

We're proud to announce that we've been awarded the Gold Class and Industry Mover designations for the Energy Equipment & Services industry by RobecoSAM in their 2018 Sustainability Yearbook, the most comprehensive publication on corporate sustainability. We are ranked at the highest sustainability performance amongst 27 companies in our industry. In total, there were 2,479 companies across 60 industries assessed in RobecoSAM 2017 Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing. Their CSA is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices. Each year, they ask over 3,400 listed companies around the world between 80 and 120 industry-specific questions focusing on economic, environmental and social factors that are considered relevant to the companies’ long-term success. The CSA forms the research backbone of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).